Fifth graders drew an illustration of a chair in their sketchpads. The most successful drawings were made when the artist really paid attention to the shape of each part of the chair, including the legs and the negative spaces between the legs.
Fatima, Tatiana and Hubert each selected a chair that had both round shapes and straight lines. The artists not only focused on the shapes of their chairs but also took their time to include the intricate designs carved into the wood. All of this detail gives us a realistic view of the chair they observed. We can appreciate the beauty of the furniture design and their beautiful rendition of it as well. What do you think of these drawings? Add your thoughts below by clicking on the word "comments" below.
Artwork by Fatima |
Artwork by Tatiana B. |
Artwork by Hubert |
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Thank you for your thoughts!
Barbara Levine
Ranney Lower School Art