Flower by Savanna |
If you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for a moment." - Georgia O'Keeffe
Fourth graders paused in their busy schedules at school to admire the beautiful work of Georgia O'Keeffe (1887-1986), an American artist, best known for her studies of nature. She often zoomed in on her subjects, getting us all to slow down and notice the beauty she captured in the world around her. She did not paint an entire field of flowers, but instead focused on the shapes and colors of just one blossom.
As well as inspiring us to admire the details in a single flower, a seashell, or even an animal skull, Georgia O'Keeffe was also a master of color and blending. To follow her example, we each chose a photograph of something from nature and drew the image very large on our canvases. Then, we selected our color palette, considering carefully how to create the best blends.
To make two colors blend together, we referred to the color wheel. Colors that are close to each other on the wheel will make the most natural blends. Adding white will create a tint of the color and adding darker hues will create a shade of the color. Any of these color choices would work well. To blend the colors directly on the canvas, we worked in one area at a time, letting our paintbrushes do the blending. For a flower with many petals, that meant applying wet colors and blending them together before they dry, one petal at a time.
These fourth grade nature paintings are sure to be the highlight of our upcoming art show next month and I am just as proud for them to grace the screen of my art blog. Bravo to all my artists! Here are more examples of what we will be showing off in the gallery. To see everyone's paintings, follow this link to our home page on artsonia.com.
Flower by Ryan |
Landscape by Hamid |
Animal Skull by Olivia |
Seashell by Zuri |